17th Sunday, Ordinary Time
17TH SUNDAY, ORDINARY TIME A supreme effort is made so that an exquisite pearl can be obtained (Matt. 13:45-46). It’s unlikely the merchant would extend himself if it was for the sake of an imitation pearl. No, it has to be worth it. Otherwise, why put yourself out? Think for example about a bear, gorging itself on honey. The bear understands up front that it’s going to be a painful experience. The bees will swarm, in defense of their hive. But as far as the bear is concerned, it’s worth the trouble. You see Winnie the Pooh, falling out of a very tall tree. He’s colliding with branches on the way down, suffering numerous bee stings, and he ultimately finds himself sprawled facedown in a mud puddle. He adopts a rather philosophical tone: It all comes from liking honey so much . The calamity can be attributed to the fact that he is in pursuit of honey. He has spotted an opening near the top of that particular tree. Bees are circling around the opening, and this would indicate...