Feast of Christ The King
FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING We’re navigating through familiar territory when we review this weekend’s first reading. We have grown accustomed to the portrayal of Lord as Shepherd (see Ezk. 34:10-31). However, we’re beginning to drift into less-familiar territory as we turn our attention to the next two readings. The shepherding imagery gives way to an emphasis on the Lord’s authority. It’s an authority that surpasses all other levels of authority (see 1st Cor. 15:24-28). Ultimately, it’s an authority that will be revealed to its fullest extent at the end of time, when judgment is passed on the living and the dead (see Matt. 25:31-46). It’s very likely that we would rather focus upon the shepherding aspect. We want to hear about his compassion, his willingness to search for the lost sheep. And we get plenty of this as we make our way through the course of the church year. Yet this is the one weekend where we face up to his supreme brand of authority. He is not just “Shepherd” ...