Fourth Sunday, Ordinary Time [B]
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME [B] Paul favors the celibate life (1st Cor. 7:1-7). But clearly he’s not speaking with a prophetic voice. He presents his point of view as solid advice, not as an authoritative body of teaching (vs. 6). He understands our world as something that will pass away (7:31). Therefore, it’s best to limit the number of your attachments. At other times, Paul will express himself more authoritatively, using the kind of approach that an Old Testament prophet might use. However, in this case, he’s more of an advisor than a prophet. What do we know about the Old Testament prophets? They don’t appear until after the covenant has been established. Through Abraham a covenant will be initiated. And then through Moses that covenant will eventually be formalized. Deuteronomy 18 outlines a prophetic line that will subsequently be put into place. The prophet’s responsibility will be to call out when members of society begin to turn away from the principles of the ...