Solemnity of the Lord's Resurrection
FEAST OF THE RESURRECTION When somebody wishes you a Happy Easter, you respond by likewise wishing them a Happy Easter. Next, having reciprocated, you move on, never giving any thought to the question of whether or not your Easter really can be described as a Happy Easter. Suppose this year you pause and actually give the question some thought. Is it a Happy Easter? Happy enough, it would seem. We have Jesus stepping forth from the tomb. That strikes you as something good. You’re thinking: It’s about time something good happened for that man. Last time I checked in, it was all about pain and sorrow. Now he’s back, better than ever. How can you not be happy? You’re naturally happy for Jesus and for his disciples. This is what it means to have a Happy Easter. Right? We’re supposed to be happy for Jesus. And we’re supposed to be happy for his disciples. If that’s the extent of it, then maybe you’re not having the kind of Easter that you could be having. You’ve limited ...