
Showing posts from December, 2024

Sermon, Feast of the Holy Family

                                                                             FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY  Once again, Santa has managed to pull it off. Somehow, he gets it done, all within such a brief timeframe—the timeframe of Christmas Eve. Deliveries are made, far and wide. Imagine all of those houses, those neighborhoods, those towns, all of those regions spread across the country and even the wider world! You wonder if perhaps Santa has cloned himself? If so, then this would seem to explain his ability to be in more than one place at one time. On the other hand, maybe we’re better off not even trying to understand. We’ll just call it a miracle.  We will see that Jesus knows how to perform miracles. We will be reading about these miracles as the lit...

Sermon for the Nativity

  FEAST OF THE NATIVITY You might be wondering: What was it like for Joseph and Mary? Certain details can be uncovered by spending time in the New Testament—most notably the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. As for additional details, we do have a couple of legends to consider. For example, we sing every year about the Little Drummer Boy. He looks on as expensive gifts are being presented to the Newborn King. For his part, the Little Drummer Boy has “no gift to bring.”  So what does he do? He does about all that he can do—he plays on his drum. And the Christ-Child responds with a smile. You won’t read about the Drummer Boy in the Bible. He is the subject of legend.  Likewise, we don’t hear anything about a robin in the pages of scripture. But the robin does figure prominently when you factor in what comes to us by way of legend. Evidently it was cold on that silent and holy night. A fire is burning, but only for the time being. More wood will have to be gathered, if they want...

Fourth Sunday of Advent [C]

  FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT [C] Given what’s happening within the womb of St. Elizabeth, it would appear that the plan of salvation is “kicking” into high gear (see Luke 1:41-44). John has begun to stir, in anticipation of the role that he will play in support of that divine plan. We know, furthermore, that Elizabeth has her role to play. The little town of Bethlehem will likewise have a role to play (Micah 5:1-4). And of course, we know that the plan of salvation will depend most crucially upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the role that she is in the process of playing.   She will fulfill the theological equation outlined in Hebrews chapter ten: the plan of salvation will take shape within the confines of her womb. We hear about “a body” that is being prepared (Heb. 10:5); where is this taking place? It’s taking place within the womb of the Virgin Mary, relying exclusively upon the genetic material that she provides. Typically, a preborn baby forms through the use of genet...

Third Sunday of Advent [C]

  THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT [C] Evidently a movement is underway. People are gathering along the banks of the Jordan so that they can listen to the preaching of a prophet named John. Compelled by his message, they begin to wonder how they might go about becoming a part of this new movement. Sensing that something will be required of them, they pose the following question: “What should we be doing”  (Lk. 3:10-14)? According to John, they should be sharing their resources with the needy. As for what they should not   be doing, he warns against abuse and exploitation. Essentially, he confirms what they were anticipating: namely, that a measure of conversion is being called for. It’s an expectation.  What we need to determine is whether it’s reasonable or unreasonable. Does this represent a reasonable expectation? Or could it be perceived as something unreasonable? Suppose we have a listener who doesn’t want to change anything about his/her way of life? There is an intere...

Sermon for the Immaculate Conception

  SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, we celebrate not just the Virgin Mary, but also the God of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is a faithful God; when he issues a calling, he likewise provides you with what you need so that you can live out that calling. In the case of Mary, she will serve as the Ark of the New Covenant (see Revelation 11:19). We know that the ark of the original covenant took shape through a combination of exquisite materials, superior craftsmanship, and divine direction (see Exodus 37). The stone tablets outlining the Ten Commandments would be housed within this sacred and exceedingly ornate vessel.  Roughly fourteen hundred years later, a New Covenant will be inaugurated. Jesus, who personifies the New Covenant, will reside within the womb of Mary for nine months. For all practical purposes, she will function as the New Ark. As the initial ark was the result of an extremely careful and detailed process, we wil...

Second Sunday of Advent [C]

  2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT [C] Are we talking about something good that’s happening for the city of Jerusalem? Actually, the point being made by the prophet Baruch is that renewal can be made to happen for us as well (see Bar. 5:1-9). But it means allowing yourself to be challenged. It means following in the footsteps of those first century Israelites who are joining up with John the Baptist. They are going well out of their way, venturing into the wilderness, gathering along the banks of the Jordan River. They subject themselves to a “fire and brimstone” message, and soon afterwards they find themselves being submerged within the flowing waters.  It’s a process that will be referred to as a “baptism of repentance” (Lk. 3:3). John explains that his ministry will soon be replaced by a new brand of ministry. This new ministry will include an updated form of baptism, far more potent and far more comprehensive (Lk. 3:16). It will be sacramental in character, and it will be practiced ...