First Sunday of Lent [C]
FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT [C] Some of you will remember a film called “In Harm’s Way.” Originally it was released as a novel [1962]; soon afterward it was adapted for the screen [1965]. A number of story-lines are covered throughout the course of the feature. One of the more intriguing story-lines centers around a Naval officer being reunited with his son. He had long ago drifted out of contact with his ex-wife and his toddler son. Therefore it comes as a surprise when he learns that the son is now serving as an ensign in the Navy. This leads to an eventual reunion. Can it be described as a happy occasion? Not exactly. For his part, the father has high hopes. However, tension fills the air, from the very first moment that the encounter gets underway. The son offers the courtesy that would befit a superior officer, but he offers nothing beyond that. No warmth. No smile. No acknowledgment of a family bond. The gripping scene concludes with the presentation of a stiff salute....