28th Sunday of Ordinary Time [B]



It’s been said that if you give a man a fish you have fed him for a day. However, if you teach a man to fish you have fed him for a lifetime. This ancient Chinese proverb ranks the intangible ahead of the tangible. A fish placed in your hands represents something tangible. Meanwhile, when someone teaches you how to fish, you’re being given something intangible. You are being endowed with elements of knowledge—elements of knowledge through which you will be able to catch fish on a recurring basis. Therefore the proverb favors the intangible. 

Our first reading this weekend likewise favors the intangible. This passage can be understood as a celebration of wisdom (Wis. 7:7-11). When you celebrate the virtue of wisdom, you’re celebrating something intangible. On the other hand, it’s possible that you might find yourself identifying with the rich young man portrayed in Mark chapter ten. This means that you have a preference for what is tangible. Additionally, it means that you are not on the same page with the Son of God. 

We hear Jesus preaching consistently about the intangibles. In this selection, we get to listen in as he issues an invitation to the rich young man. He’s inviting the rich young man to take on a new way of life. It’s a new way of life that will involve a new set of principles. The rich young man’s priorities will essentially have to be realigned. As it turns out, they are not on the same page with one another. Jesus is on one page; the rich young man is on another page. How does Jesus feel about that? 

First of all, he “looks” at the young man. In what way? Does he look upon him with disdain? With disapproval? With disgust? Actually, the account describes Jesus as looking upon the young man…with love (10:21). Maybe this strikes you as premature. Shouldn’t the love be withheld? After all, the young man has not demonstrated an intention to convert. It’s better to wait. Wait for the young man to convert. Make it a requirement. Then, once the condition has been met, you can proceed with the outpouring of love. 

And yet, we see that the Lord has his own way of handling these situations. Whether you are on the same page with him or not, either way, you’ll be receiving the gift of divine love. He’s not waiting for you to clean up your act. It’s not as if you have to get yourself straightened out. He’s loving you up front; it’s immediate and it’s unconditional. Make every effort to recognize the radical, premature nature of his love. And furthermore, here is something else that needs to be recognized: it’s not just love that is being sent your way. He’s also sending you HIS WORD. It’s a word that provides affirmation—but not always. Sometimes the word has an edge to it (see Hebrews 4:12). 

So the Lord loves you, just the way that you are. That being said, try to remember that we are talking here about a particular kind of love. It’s a love that has been infused by the power of the word. Therefore, it’s a love that will poke you, it’s a love that will prod you, it’s a love that will stir you. And as a result, you end up being precisely where it is that you need to be. The Lord meets you where it is that you are at. But through the influence of his word he moves you to where it is that you need to be. 

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