First Sunday of Advent [C]
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT [C] During Advent we find ourselves looking backwards and also forward. We are looking backwards when we recall the period of waiting that would precede the first Coming of Christ. We know that Jeremiah and his fellow prophets were occupying center stage during this time of anticipation. In fact, we are hearing from Jeremiah as we open up this brand new season of Advent (Jer. 33:14-16). And yet, our Gospel passage reminds us that we need to be prepared for the eventual Second Coming of Jesus (see Luke 21:25-36). This means looking in a forward direction. He comes the first time as the Child of Promise; he will be coming again as Judge of the Living and the Dead. What will it be like, when he comes the second time? What will he see? Will he see us busy, hard at work? Or will we be standing idle, dedicating ourselves to leisure? This question is definitely being explored in Luke chapter twenty one. In addition, we hear the question being reissued as we ...