Feast of Christ the King [B]



We’re celebrating Christ as King, this weekend. In addition, it can be said that we are also celebrating ourselves. That is, we’re celebrating the place that we have secured within his Kingdom. How does one go about securing a place within the Kingdom? It seems that our Gospel reading spells it out rather clearly: you secure your place by being committed to the truth (see John 18:37). The truth matters. It matters to me. It matters to you. Jesus has been revealed as the Truth Incarnate (see John 14:6). A commitment to truth translates into a commitment to Jesus and his Kingdom. His dominion can be described as everlasting (Dan. 7:14), owing to the fact it is true. It’s a true dominion; not something fictional. You accept his authority within your life because it is true. It is a true authority; not something artificial. You acknowledge him as the Alpha and the Omega, again, because he is truly your beginning and your end (Rev. 1:8). He doesn’t limit himself to a cameo appearance. Others will step into your life—and likewise out of your life. But the Lord dedicates himself to seeing your journey through, to its ultimate completion. 

By way of illustration, consider the example of Odysseus. He’s a famous name that can be traced back to the classical era. When we are first introduced to him, he has his wife Penelope standing with him, at his side. A lot will be happening with Odysseus. He will be drafted as part of a military expedition—an expedition that will last ten full years. The journey home will involve a significant number of calamities and detours. Along the way, people will step into his life, and they will likewise make their departure. In the end, as we take our last look at Odysseus, he once again will have his wife standing with him, at his side. Penelope faces pressure during the period of her husband’s long absence. There are those who believe that she should enter into a new marriage. Nevertheless, she remains true to her husband through it all. She is there for him, at the beginning and also at the end. 

Think for a moment about your own life. Think about your adventures and perhaps also your misadventures. Think about all of the people who step into your life, and subsequently step out of your life. Then give some thought to the person of Jesus. Hopefully you will be able to recognize him as something more than a fleeting presence. From a scriptural standpoint, he needs to be understood as your Alpha and your Omega—your beginning and your end. If you care at all about the truth, you will recognize him and furthermore embrace him as the one who stands by you in the way that Penelope stood by her husband Odysseus. Jesus literally is your beginning and your end; he is the source of your being and he is your ultimate destiny. It’s the unvarnished truth. It’s an inescapable truth. And, it’s also a truth well worth celebrating. By opening yourself up to this metaphysical truth, the Kingdom of God becomes more present in our time and place—MORE present rather than less present. 

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